Lessons Learned in the Time of Pandemic | Collaboration Post
The pandemic has turned the world upside down. It has been more than four months since the day I bade goodbye to my colleagues at work and haven’t left the house since except for emergencies. While I am thankful to have a home where I can live and work out of without disrupting my health, financial status, the food that is put on my table and luckily, some regulated luxuries as well, many cannot say the same. So many people are out of work, uncertain of what the next day will bring. So many people have contracted the virus and have died on the streets without medical care for lack…
INTERVIEW: Collaboration with a Lifestyle Blogger | Women Empowerment
Erratic Rantings started off with a question, “What will I write about?“. Pat came the answer from TG – “Anything you want“. And the rest is history! Slowly Erratic Rantings grew into a full-fledged lifestyle blog. It became an outlet for my emotions where I could write about anything I wanted. It became my comfort zone. And in the process, it started to gather a handful of readers like you who began to follow it. So what started as a memory bank has now become a responsibility towards you. While I continue to blog for myself today, I also do it for my readers and maybe help those out who are…
30 Quotes That Changed My Life
I have a habit of writing down good quotes. I used to have a diary for them and now they’ve all been transferred to a Google Doc which I access from my phone. So every time I come across a sentence that resonates and touches a chord with me, I quickly try to memorize it and write it down as soon as I get the chance. The thing is I never know where I would pick out a quote from – it could be from a song, a book, a prayer, a movie or even a conversation – which is why I’m always on the lookout. Now why the habit?…