Well Being
What Lockdown is Looking Like for Me – Keeping Sane in Quarantine: Part 2
Read Part 1 here. Now that I have acknowledged and put my thoughts into perspective, I can have a clear mind for my other activities. Daily Household Chores You see, routine and regularity are the two R’s that maintain balance and stability in the mind and the household. With the lockdown in place, there has been a massive tipping of that scale. Routine disappeared and regularity lay in shambles. One of the key reasons behind this is the absence of domestic help. In a family of six people, this sudden change becomes overwhelming. So we suddenly ended up in a space where household labour was threatening to pile up faster…
What Lockdown is Looking Like for Me – Keeping Sane in Quarantine: Part 1
After an unusually exciting beginning to the year and our 2-year anniversary celebration, the world suddenly came to a standstill. While we had only begun to ease into the new year by March, so had the coronavirus, without most of us knowing. When the lockdown was put into effect in India on 26th March, the virus had already started to rip the world apart. And before we knew it, the engines screeched to a halt. Earth was closed for maintenance. We went into the quarantine hoping that it would help contain the virus and things would gradually return to normal. Little did we realize then that there is only hoping…
30 Quotes That Changed My Life
I have a habit of writing down good quotes. I used to have a diary for them and now they’ve all been transferred to a Google Doc which I access from my phone. So every time I come across a sentence that resonates and touches a chord with me, I quickly try to memorize it and write it down as soon as I get the chance. The thing is I never know where I would pick out a quote from – it could be from a song, a book, a prayer, a movie or even a conversation – which is why I’m always on the lookout. Now why the habit?…
An Ode to Winter: A Season in the Life
Winter is almost over. Every week a woollen layer is peeled, washed, folded and placed inside the wardrobe. It wouldn’t see the sun in the next 10 months. And here I am, holding on to the almost non-existent remains of the temperature dips. I’m a winter person to the core. Not a good choice for seasons given its short-lived nature in my city. But I shouldn’t have reasons to complain this year because winter had surprisingly (or not) extended her stay. It’s time for her to leave now. And the least I could do is pay a tribute. So this blog will take you through what this winter has been…
What do The Arsenal and I Have in Common? Tathagata.
“Some people think football is a matter of life and death. I don’t like that attitude. I can assure them that it is much more serious than that.” Honestly, doesn’t this Bill Shankly quote sound a bit too stretched to you? It sure did to me when I was introduced to it and the fanaticism of ‘The Beautiful Game’ in 2017. Until then, football used to be nothing more than 22 people chasing a goal across the field for 90 minutes. It was only another sport. And then I met Tathagata. Anyone who has spent time with a true football fan has heard the phrases, “We won!”, “We lost the…
I Caught the Spring Cleaning Bug + 1 Confession
Come March and my winter-sun-soaking heart starts to slowly and dreadfully make its way towards summer. Except for the bounty of mangoes that this season brings, there isn’t a thing that would put this awfully hot, sweaty season in my looking-forward-to list. Tathagata argues – he wouldn’t trade summer for anything. As we started stowing away the woolens for the season, I caught the spring cleaning bug. There’s probably something about spring and de-cluttering. I have always seen my mother cleaning, shifting and organizing her way through the house during spring. Perhaps she passed that onto me this year. Organizing my closet has constantly been on my mind since a…
Stillness & Reflections in the Days Leading up to Christmas
November hasn’t been too kind to me. Like every year, I stepped into November holding on to the remains of Durga Puja. I like November because it’s the month of change. You get to feel the warmth on your toes slipping away slowly, you are hit with a fresh cinnamony smell on the streets, you feel a hint of cold air sweep past your ears on tip-toe, you see the daylight fall off the sky quicker than before. It’s beautiful how these little unnoticeable things around us grow like saplings from a seed and then one fine day, sprout into winter. (In today’s blog, I’m going to share pictures of…
Every Person Deserves a Champion
We all need a champion in our lives. Because life isn’t always roses and rainbows. And let’s face it, it isn’t easy to dig yourself out of every low point in your life. Help is always handy no matter how much we deny it. Thankfully, help can be found right around the corner if you are willing to look for it. I have found help in my well-wishers, my faith in God and in as insignificant things as my daily chores. Surprisingly, help has been delivered to me from unexpected sources too. I’m going to talk about one of those today. So today, I decided to tell you about the person…